I was about 18 years old when I heard this crazy song for the first time at popular"Señor Frog's" in Cancun. The reggae singer was a natural born leader and he moved the crowd as he pleased. The apotheosis came when he asked for this girl named Alice in his song (Originally sang by Smokie):

"I don't know why she's leaving,
Or where she's gonna go,
I guess she's got her reasons,
But I just don't want to know,
'Cos for twenty-four years
I've been living next door to Alice. (Alice? who the fuck is Alice?)"

Alice? Who the Fuck is Alice?!! And the crowd (including a younger, skinnier and more pimppled version of myself) would scream our lungs out, as if we could find this damn Alice girl.

18 years later, when I decided to write something about the importance of allowing some Malice get into our bloodstream, the song just popped out in my mind. Love it or leave it.

Anyway! Let's leave Alice alone for a minute and talk abut Malice.

Being naive in this modern world is more or less the equivalent of being bathed in blood in front of a hungry pack of mad wolves.

Malice, when applied in rational dosis, can basically save your ass. You just have to be honest enough to trust your gut and think that every story has two sides and that not everything is 100% black or 100% white.

Don´t get me wrong. I am not looking to turn my readers into an army of psychotic paranoids that won't trust their own shadows. I am only sending a warning sign. Honestly, I prefer to have around me , the kind of people with a slightly twisted point of view of the world, not only because they are fun, but because they can give you a whole new optic of any given  situation.

So, if you are a pure, immaculate soul looking to get some dark spots to pimp your already boring life, here are some tips:

1) Think Ulterior Motives. A Guy or girl in the office, good position, never spoke to you in your whole miserable life and suddenly he/she wants to be your friend?.Cool, uh?. Think: ¿Why?

2) Background Check. If a story sounds too good to be true, normally there is a trick. Do some research, check some backgrounds, google some stuff. Don't take the bait without at last hesitating a little.

3) Bullet proof your positions: Before stating your opinion, bullet proof it. What's the worst that can happen?..What questions will I receive?..If my worst enemy could ask me some questions, what would they be?..What are the answers?. Done?..Now, you are ready to speak your mind.

4) Question Everything. Nothing happens spontaneously. Everything has a reason. Question things around you. When you stop questioning, religions start blooming.

5) Grow a thicker skin. You will eventually get screwed, one way or another. Deal with it.Don't make a big drama out of the situation. But most importantly, LEARN from it. Getting fucked up once can happen to anyone, but twice, well, that just deserves another name. Be clever, be reasonable, but above all, don't be stupid. Ah! and don't be a crybaby, it's just annoying.

World is a fun place to live in. But it can also bitch slap you in the face if you allow it to. Have fun, have some more malice and give your vision a more interesting angle. Or else.

In the meantime, you can always sing the Alice song.

Aureliano García


Your world could change dramatically if you only developed the courage to answer one simple question:


What if you decided to really pursue your dreams?

What if you started showing up on time?

What if you became reliable?

What if you stopped being an asshole, for a change?

What if you started treating people with  respect?

What if you overcame your fears once and for all?

What if you stopped procrastinating?

What if you put your family first?

What if you showed some dignity to the world?

What if you had the will to speak up your mind?

What if you stood up for your convictions?

What if you decided to work more on your future?

What if you gossiped less?

What if you helped more people without expecting anything in return?

What if you put your money where your mouth is?

What if you executed at least ONE thing fast and accurately every day?

What if you were more coherent?

What if you went all the way?

What if you defied the status quo?

What if you strived for outstanding excellence instead of just a job well done?

What if you made a difference?

What if you became trascendent?

What if you took the tough road instead of the 8 lane highway?

What if you said NO from time to time?

What if you said YES from time to time?

What if you didn't cave?

What if you had the balls to make things happen?

But specially and most importantly...

What if I stopped writing this article in front of a mirror and started taking some serious action?

Gotta go!

Aureliano García


I got the news yesterday. My good friend and also friend of this blog, Kelley Robertson, was robbed. Yeah, robbed over the internet. Robbed by this guy who published an article originally written by Kelley and posted it as his own.The article stealer is Michael J. Roman. I refuse to put his webpage here, because people like him don't deserve the link back.

Plagiarism has existed since the beggining of times. Mozart suffered from it, Jesus suffered from it, and basically every talented guy on earth has either suffered from it or is brutally exposed to get their ideas robbed. Talent has always been exposed to The famous "Copy, Edit ,Paste" process used by people with limited ideas.

Here is the deal: If you don't have anything good or original to say...shut up. Really, shut up. And don't steal other's ideas to appear smart. Plagiarism is the last resource of the brain impaired. I despite these behaviour and it is only fair to express my opinion about the one's who practice it: YOU SUCK!

I am outraged by the lack of respect there is among several "bloggers" who steal and rip off creative people by publishing other people's ideas as their own. Maybe they think that being the net so big and full of information, they just can get away with it. Well, it turns out YOU CAN NOT!. There are no secrets between the earth and the sky. Everything comes up to the light of truth, sooner than later.

Plagiarism begins at early ages too. There are different processes in High Schools and Universities today, that help teachers find out if their students have robbed their homework from the net. It is an alert sign, in my opinion, to be so young and already have no values or scrupules regarding other people´s property.

I feel the pain of robbed writers. I have seen my articles published out there with no credit given to me or no mention of the source. I even saw one of them presented as a PPT presentation, with a bunch of photographs and absurd stuff "decorating" my ideas. I felt sorry for the poor people who did it, I felt angry for having to deal with this but also, I felt happy because, at the end, I realized that copycats depend solely on someone else's talent. They will NEVER be able to create anything. They are parasites, with a sad, sad life. For the rest of us, all we require is a blank sheet of paper and a spark of inspiration to do our thing. No dependency. Pure passion and skills required. Sorry robbers: evidently this is not for everybody.Specially, not for you.

I think we can't stop writing because of fear of being copied by lesser minds. This is our risk and we are willing to take it. But we can not be quiet when we find out about this activities going on. We need to defend writer's rights and face cheaters courageously. We love when somebody finds our ideas interesting and worth sharing, but we love more the fact of being credited when the sharing is done. It doesn't cost much and it makes you a bigger person. Don't forget to always mention your sources and give credit to the one who deserves it. Is just the classy and honorable thing to do.

Stop Plagiarism!

Aureliano García


Cowards. That's the only word that comes to mind when I have to describe people who uses passive aggressive techniques to get their way done. They "throw the rock and hide the hand". And they feel they are sooo smart, so clever, so witty, so acid, so incredibly smooth the world just doesn't deserve them. If you ask me, (and if you don't ask me too)I think these people are just plain and sorry schmucks.

Passive Aggressive is a term that has a big conflict implied. how come people are aggressive but they express their anger in a passive way?..what the hell is that?. I just hate the word and all it stands for. It is a synonim of whimp.

I think a choice has to be made when we decide how to face problems or discrepancies with someone (human, corporate or government). Either you are passive or aggressive, but you can't be both because it will explode in your face sooner or later.

Not only is a passive aggressive attitude repulsive and annoying, it also is very harmful and expensive for companies. I remember being in Colombia once, and the airline had some kind of strike going on, but instead of not working, employees would slow the pace of business to a histerically slow pace in order to get their demands met by the corporation. They called it "Turtle Operation". Words can not describe the level of tension and anger from the crowd in that airport (myself included). There was nothing we could do. Part of this passive aggressive strategy included to make sure they screwed our day too. Nice going Avianca. I love you too.

You can find Passive aggressive behaviour everywhere: when your waiter takes as long as he wants to bring  your damn (and now cold) soup just because he hates his life; it exists inside corporations when different areas play power games and hit below the belt everytime they can just to "win" small and stupid battles; when there is gossip and "watercooler chats" regarding someone in the organization; when things are not said face to face; when people work in the dark just to cause some damage; When anonimacy is used to degrade people and when there is no coherence between words and facts, then you will know you are in front of it: passive aggressiveness at its best.

So, if you want to be aggressive, be aggressive and active.Don't be a passive moron. If you like to be passive but you are mad at someone or something, well, drink a freaking RedBull, stand up and face the music like a professional. We can save tons of time and money if we say things like they are to the correct people. To people who may take action. To people with the right sense of urgency and importance of things. Don't try to make people tripover, either you get rid of them completely or stop crying like a baby and live with them. But don't put personal interests prior to your company or group interest. That's just not right and it shows lack of courage.

I don't encourage aggressiveness. I encourage bluntness. I encourage direct, honest communication. I encourage actions visible to others and with names and faces to hold accountable for them. Basically and to sum up, I encourage the truth and the guts to make things happen or not happen but always with a good reason and playing it straight.

Show your face!... You will keep it buried for a long time when you die, so you may just enjoy the bluntness ride.

Aureliano García


I have met my worst enemy. He has been around me all my freaking life. The most thrilling part is: The bastard lives inside my head. It's me. The biggest blocker of great stuff happening for me, is myself. Lucky for me,I know what to do to defeat myself, as weird as this may sound. I´m on my case. I hate that little "mini me" telling me stuff that just makes me a lesser and stupid person. And I am gonna get him. Believe me.

For what I see, I guess there is a "mini me" inside of every brain...and some of them are stronger than others. Normally, all of us are aware when we tend to obey a hidden force that leads us to failure or mediocrity. If "mini me" wins, we will end up in a miserable poverty and hating ourselves. This is the normal "mini me" pressure to every thinking human.

In my case, the little "mini me" not only tells me things such as: "You can´t do that, you idiot" or.." "That´s not for you, moron". Those lines are easy to overcome, because I am as stubborn as a crazy mosquito that just  filtered into your tree house in the amazon river, and it's nagging you in the ear until you cry for some fucking extra strength Raid or at least a rolled up newspaper to kill me with. I am aware that I can be a pain when I put my mind onto something. This is an easy fight. Me: 1 "Mini me":0.

But the truly difficult part is when "mini me" is screwing with us and we don't even see him coming. And it happens that sometimes our worse enemy is when we get arrogant, cocky and  we become so full of ourselves, that it's just sickening.  This is "mini me"´s masterpiece. Making ourselves believe that we can't get any better because we are sooooo damn good at what we do, that it's virtually impossible to improve anymore.

Well,  sorry to dissapoint you. Let me tell you about a real experience I had this week. I confess: I have always thought I was highly skilled for public speaking. Then I went to this training and found out, that I am not bad at all, but I still have a huge room for improvement. Learning new techniques, new skills is always a big rush for the head, but most of all, for the heart. I am really glad I went to school again. It helped me forsee how my decisions and attitude will determine my future.

I learned that the dumbest mistake a human can make, is to think he has mastered something. You can be devilishly good, but you can ALWAYS improve. Of course, making it better will suffer economies of scale, but those small improvements for someone who is already well thought on any matter, will be noticeable and will polish our performance over and over again. These extra efforts will separate the artists from the competents. The memorable from the "very good". Or the man from the boys ( I always wanted to write that!!)

There is always room for excellence. For being memorable. But most importantly, there is always room for giving ourselves the chance of being amazed of where we can extend our competencies and skills if we make our pride aside for a couple of days and focus on learning something new.

You are better than you think. I am better than I used to think I was. And from now on, I will make sure I don't forget this.

Be careful "mini me", I'm coming after you!

Aureliano García


When I want to have a good, loud and healthy laugh, I read some resumés. Man!, are we good at lying or what?

In fact, a few weeks ago I was reading my old, kind of dusty resumé,  and I honestly think it sucked!, big time!. You know why?..Because maybe I need to know when to stop adding stupid and worthless facts to that poor piece of paper. I am still surprised companies hired me with this lame, boring and long personal soap opera. (I guess they did because I kicked some serious ass in the interview, thank God!). I am destroying it and re-doing it all over again, for the sake of personal honor and because I can't read it again without crying instead of laughing.

Please, don't get me wrong: Resumés are OK, they are the first impression we make and the key to enter into almost any hiring process. No doubt they are important. But they can not be trusted for a fact and they should always be double checked with a good, deep and thorough interview with the creator of the Curriculum Vitae ( Why the hell do we say this in latin?..:who do we think we are, Julius Caesar? uh?).

I would never advice to disregard any candidate based only in the way he/she wrote a life sheet. Always try the interview. A lot of surprises come up in the one on one situation. But, having hired (and fired) lots of people in the last 10 years, I have come to some conclusions regarding the things that I like and dislike about resumés.
Here they go:


1) Short and precise information. And please, oh please!, include your god damn photo. I won't discriminate you for how you look, but if I have to review 350 CV's, at least make sure I don't confuse you with somebody else.

2) A different way to present the data. Once, I got a Resumé from a candidate, written in the form of a newspaper: "He graduates from an MBA! said one of the "news" printed on it with a picture of the graduation day. Beautiful job, which caught my eye immediatly. Interest me or lose me! It happens in seconds!

3) A story that tells me what YOU can do for ME, and not the other way around.

4) Real Life examples of what you are saying. If you say you speak 87% english ( I have actually seen this odd numbers on resumés) and when I start interviewing you in english you don't stare at me with your eyes and mind blanked, but you REALLY speak 87% english, well, you are OK then.

5) A curriculum that leaves me wanting to know more about you, and forces me to conduct an interview, one on one, in person, not by phone..


1) Longer than life Resumés. I don't want to know where did you go for Kindergarden education. I will know if the candidate went there when I see him at the interview and he shows at least some basic manners, took a shower, dressed properly for the event, arrived on time and cleaned those shoes.

2) Bullshit Skills. God!, this is the funniest part of them all. It really takes some nerve to write egocentric, narcisist and plain stupid stuff like: "honest", "TeamPlayer", "Creative beyond belief", "good with people"(imagine this shit if you are loking for a Vet Specialist, epic fail!) etc. Who are we trying to fool? I don't doubt you are all that and a little bit more, but please, SHOW it to me, don't just READ it to me ok?. I remember once I found the skill "Honesty" in some guy's resumé. I asked him during the interview, how much was the normal "bribe" for a traffic policeman if you exceeded the speed limit or passed a red light (very common practice in México,I am not saying that it's OK, but hey! it happens). He answered: "Well, around 100 pesos, but I have been let off the hook for $50!!". And he said it with pride, as if he was showing off his "negotiation" skills. After that, I took my red pen and crossed over the word "honesty" and asked him: OK, we are doing fine now. Any other bullshit you want me to cross over before I dismiss you?. Real case.

3) Typos. This is your life you are talking about!!. At least have the courtesy of writing your bullshity story with proper grammar.If anyone has typos in their CV, immediatly look for "attention to details" in the "Fantastic Skills" section. So typical.

4) Reading about your ambitions. Frankly, I don't care if you want to be master of the Universe and VP of sales in the next five years unless you are acually working for me. Then we will talk about a career development plan. But I just met you and you are already asking me for favours and telling me your plans?. Sorry pal, I am hiring someone because of what he/she can do for my business. What about if I tell YOU my plans and you tell ME what can you do to help me (or my company) reach them?

5) Lies intended to cover periods of unemployment. Don't tell me you decided to take a sabbathical at age 24. Don't tell me you decided to "find yourself" in Tibet. Truth prevails.I appreciate dealing with direct, honest people that are humans and that at some point in life, had a dry season. Nothing wrong with that.  Once, I interviewed (and hired) a candidate who wrote something I found inspiring: "You will find a 5 year gap in my resumé. I spent this period of time perfoming the most amazing job I will ever have: Being a mom." Truth prevails and it can open doors you did never imagine could exist. So don't lie. It works. Unless you want to be a politician (God forbid!)

OK, I said it. Finally, a heavy burden I get off my back. Good for me. Now, go out and smash the corporate world with a nice, honest, different, cool and interesting Resumé. Nothing else should be allowed.

Have a great weekend

Aureliano García


Numbers can be mean. Harsh. Heartless.

Our own opinion about something can be easily shattered by hard data if we only trust our "guts" to defend our points of view. And nothing upsets people more than the brutal truth when it crashes directly and at a 100 mph against our big mouth and small brains.

And even though sometimes we may have data to defend our ideas, we really need to make daily check ups on our convictions and on our sources, because this world changes so fast, that maybe when you finish reading this post I may have regret writing it, because it got old, so please read it at full speed (I am kidding, people!).

A crazy reaction towards hard and confronting data, is entering into a state of stubborn denial. I call it, entering "Denial Town". Several stages can be observed when becoming a member of this special little place:

1) Physical reaction: Members of "Denial Town" will certainly show the next synthoms: Red face, sweaty hands, severe feelings of awkwardness and self conciousness, heat coming from the stomach going up the esophagus and exploding in verbal outburst;There may be other signs of anger and resentment versus the holder of the correct data, such as screaming, shouting or, in severe cases, punches in the face..

2) Emotional Reaction: Denial Town is filled with people who get very easily offended. Crybabies. The inhabitants of Denial Town tend to take everything deeply personal, and they will have resentment and hate feelings against the truth bearer at least for a while (only if they are willing to concede they may be wrong sometimes) or in the worst cases, the hate will last until their last breath is exhaled.

3) Social Reaction. Well, needless to say that people around "Denial Town" representatives will look at them with a face that reads as follow " Oh, my God, what an idiot"

So, if your sales numbers suck, or if an statistics graph gives you the creeps because it doesn't match your personal criteria, it's  time to change the way you approach customers ( even if you think of yourself as the big swinging dick of the sales world) and it is also times to review your information sources. The world changes, number and data changes, and even historic data may change, if somebody discovers errors or missing details regarding ancient information.

Keep yourself on your toes and well informed all the time, however, control yourself and shut up when somebody shows you facts that challenge your whole set of ideas and beliefs. Go do some research before saying something stupid. If you find data to challenge your opponent, do so with all your heart. If you find that you are in fact wrong, admit it and get on with your life. Don't make a big deal our if it: It can happen to anyone.

If you visit Denial Town, try to keep your visit short. This is no place to live. If you decide to stay and set home here, you are on your way to lead a miserable life. Don't.

Aureliano García


For the last ten years, there has been a revolution among society, based on making harsh and acid judgement of people's behaviors, preferences and opinions, which was started maybe by "baby boomers" and was quickly followed by herds of easily manipulated people who thought it was their duty to decide and make an undisputed call on what is "Politically Correct".

Due to this  absurd and very easy to follow "group policy" (criticize everyone without contempt because they don't fit into the politically correct suit) it is now normal that the vast majority of people will choose words very carefully so they won't "offend" anyone, try to stay away from sensitive issues and will prefer to stay shut rather than speak up and say what's on their minds.

So, it is now frowned upon when someone says  things just the way they are, taking away all the normal B.S. and saving people lots of valuable time by going right to the point, even if it hurts. God forbid you are a straight talking, direct and blunt individual when stating a point of view, because you may  be labeled a "rebel", a relentless ignorant, even an anarchist in the worst case scenario.

But you know what?..Aren´t we all tired of hipocrisy?..aren't we exhausted of sugar coating every piece of mind you want to say to some of those annoying creatures of God you come across with every day?..wouldn't that be great to just say what you think and let the world find a way to deal with it?.

So anytime I find someone who is ready and fearless of saying things like they are, happy for developing a thick skin and not easily shocked or shattered by other people's verbal artillery, I smile and try to make friends with this kind of people. Because they keep me OUT OF THE DARK.

Because not everything is so serious, because sometimes it is Ok to take a joke and laugh at ourselves.Because if by any chance we may belong to some minority, it doesn't mean we have to be treated with extreme care or as a feather. We have to roll with the punches and have some fun, make the best out of everything. Have you seen kids in action,at school or in the park?..Boy!, those kids can be mean and cruel and blunt with each other. And yet, they laugh about it and GO ON WITH THEIR LIVES.

I prefer bluntness to hipocresy. I prefer brutal truth than playing stupid time games to get to the truth. I prefer to treat everybody equally and make no distinction of race, sexual orientation, religion or prefered football team. You know why? because I dont give a damn about their preferences, as long as they don't step directly into my interests. For example, Tiger Woods had to apologize to the whole wide world because of his behavior out of the golf course. WHY??...He shouldn't have done that. At least, I don't accept his apology because I don't need it nor deserve it!!. It is NOT MY GOD DAMN BUSINESS!. As long as he is not doing our wives or girlfriends, let him do whatever the heck he wants. His wife will charge him for it , big time!. And basically, for all I care, I just wish to see him playing again, because that's how I met the guy, because I saw him playing golf on TV, I didn't meet him at any stripjoint or any restaurant filled with fine waitresses. I just saw him play and that's all I need to see from him.

And finally,  I find it childish and very stupid to be offended all the time because somebody said this or that, or because my teacher looked at me funny, or my friend's colleague said a word that is "forbidden" (What about this crazyness with forbidden words?, what the fuck is that?...Can someone forbid others to speak their minds?...Not in our free America, maybe in some crazy regimen countries, but not here).We have to live and let live at some point in time, you know?..:and we have to be strong and define some character. Instead of  whining about everything all the time, why don´t we shake up and go out in the world and behave like a grown up with a pair? (This applies to both male or female, you know it does and you know this is only a figure of speech, so before you sue me...breath deeply...one more time... it passed already..see?...easy, right?). 

Now, I will go out, live more and bitch less about the world. I will say it like it is and very probably I won't apologize for that.  Let's not move from politically correct to "Sissyland Correct". There is a fine fine line, and we should erase it as quick as possible. For the sake of a better, simpler, true and plain, happy world.

Aureliano García 


Today, my guest blogger program begins!!. I never expected to be so lucky and start with an outstanding blogger, public speaker, professional sales trainer, author and one of my favorite people to follow on Twitter!. Kelley Robertson (@fearlesselling on Twitter ) was more than enthusiastic in participating on Rant-A-Touille, and completely in line with the whole idea of blogging (sharing knowledge and spreading ideas) he accepted to be posted here!

OK, but...Who is Kelley Robertson? Here is a brief Bio that may give you an idea of why am I so honored to have him as my first guest:

Kelley Robertson, President of the Robertson Training Group, is a professional speaker and trainer on sales, negotiating, and employee motivation. He is also the author of “Stop,Ask & Listen – Proven Sales Techniques to Turn Browsers into Buyers.” You can find his articles on his blog Fearless Selling, a great source for sales reading material that will rock your mind!. For information on his programs, visit his website at www.RobertsonTrainingGroup.com. Receive a FREE copy of “100 Ways to Increase Your Sales” by subscribing to his 59-Second Tip, a free weekly e-zine available at his website. You can also contact Kelley at 905-633-7750 or email him directly.

Kelley, thanks a lot for sharing your knowledge with us. I think the  title of your post is self explanatory, thanks for letting me use it on this blog.

To all Rant-A-Touille readers, please feel free to comment and rant about this article. Your opinion is highly appreciated.

Best regards

The Power of Partnering

“Get the sale at any cost.”

“Make more calls.”

“Tell them what they want to hear.”

Sales professionals in virtually every industry are under tremendous pressure to close sales. It is not

uncommon for them to hear comments similar to ones above from their sales manager, supervisor, or

boss. But this approach does not create trust with customers and does not encourage repeat business or

a lasting relationship.

A more effective approach is to develop a partnering relationship with your clients. This means working

with them to help them achieve their goals and objectives. Simple in theory, this strategy requires a

completely different approach. Here’s what I mean.

In the majority of sales meetings, the sales person looks for ways to position his or her product/service so

that the prospect will buy it. However, a partnering approach means putting your goals and objective

aside. It means focusing 100% of your attention on your customer. It requires a self-less mindset because

there are situations when the best solution is not yours. In fact, it may mean telling your customer to

contact a competitor. I experienced this just a few days before writing this article. A subscriber to my ezine

contacted me about delivering a particular service. Although I may have been able to help her, I

knew someone who could better meet her requirements. It was mentally difficult, but I made the decision

to refer her to my competition.

Partnering also means that you provide exceptional follow-up to ensure that your customer is completely

satisfied with their purchase. This does not mean you make just the obligatory follow-up call. It means you

explore their actual use of your product and/or service and help them maximize its full potential.

A client of mine was experiencing less than favorable results after implementing a new program into their

business. We scheduled a follow-up meeting with the management team, because as the vendor, I knew

that the answers lay in the execution of the program. During the meeting we explored several ways to

improve their results and one of the solutions required me to provide additional follow-up. Although I could

have charged this client for my time, I knew that it made good business sense to absorb the cost of this

follow-up because my primary objective was to help my client achieve the best results possible.

Subsequent meetings indicated that this investment was worth it as my client began discussing how we

could take this initiative to the next level.

The challenge with this concept is that most sales people want some form of instant gratification. But this

approach does not offer a direct or immediate payoff for the sales person. However, from a business

perspective, it makes good sense.

It is also important to note that you don’t necessarily have to give away this additional service. A few

sales trainers I know (including myself) incorporate telephone coaching into their proposals. They charge

for this service but they position it as a way for the company to improve their results. They demonstrate

how this additional investment will drive more dollars to their clients’ bottom line. Ultimately, your goal

should be helping your customers and clients improve their business results. Here are a few points to


1. Focus on their goals and objective instead of your personal agenda (closing the sale). If

necessary, recommend another supplier or vendor who offers the exact product/service your

client needs.

2. Follow-up. Contact your customer and talk to them after they have made their purchase. Ask

them if they are getting the desired results. If they aren’t, look for ways to help them maximize

their results. Offer additional support. Give them extra resources. Help them get the best results


3. Incorporate a systemized process into your sales pitch or proposals. People will pay for extras

providing they see that value that is brought to their organization.

4. Send information to your customers on a regular basis without being asked. I like to send articles

that are relevant to my clients on a regular basis. This demonstrates that I am looking out for their

interests, rather than my own. I prefer to send articles written by other people, not just the ones I


Zig Ziglar once stated, “You can get anything you want in life if you just help enough other people get

what they want.” When you help your customers achieve their goals and objectives you become more

than a supplier or vendor. You become a preferred partner. And this will prevent your competition from

overtaking you in the marketplace.

Create a checklist of the additional services you can offer to your clients to help them achieve their goals.

Helping your customers reach their objectives will help you increase your profits.

One word of caution…this is a process, not a quick fix. This strategy does take time to generate a return.

However, it is well worth the investment.

© Copyright 2005 Kelley Robertson, All rights reserved.


Let's suppose that you have a GREAT product. Linked to this product, you also deliver outstanding service and consistent, genuine follow up for your customers. You have an indisputable reputation in the market and innovation is a constant in your marketing strategy for development and growth.
In a nutshell, you have what it takes to attack the market and hit it hard!.

However, normally our success depends almost entirely on the sales efforts performed out in the field. I don't think a product will sell itself: selling requires building trust and developing a solid relationship with every customer we approach every day. "People buy people, then they buy products" is such a true sales statement!.

I have spent most of my working life on the sales field. Now, I have moved into the product creation and development area, but I still love the sales field and I am passionate about it (I always will). Therefore, when I see a great product fail because the LACK OF HUNGER of a sales force, it just makes me feel chills crawiling up my spine.

A great product in the hands of a lousy salesforce will turn to mud. Sometimes, shitty products in the hands of passionate salespeople will sell positively, at least for one time only , but a sale will be made, that's for sure.
It is a capital sin in the sales field to destroy a great product because the sales team is all fed up with self complacency, with a minimum effort culture and with laziness or what may be worse, fed up with fear.

I think that when we are hiring people to conform a fantastic sales team, we need to find the hunger in their eyes and in their heart. I don't mean food hunger (altough it also helps sometimes), but hunger to be different, to over-deliver everytime, hunger to win, to be perceived as a true sales professional. Hunger to become a better person, to earn more money and to deliver high quality service experiences to our customers. People with hunger to serve in order to receive the benefits of an everlasting sales relationship with a customer.

Don't hire them if you see they are all fed up with false pride, with myths or with old and stupid sales vices. Don't hire them if you see they are filled up to their guts on mediocrity, excuses for underperforming and  indiference for the products they sell or the accounts they are supposed to service.

In sales: The Hungrier, the Better.


Aureliano García


People without an opinion just pisses me off. I can´t spend a lot of time around a herd of sheep. It is pointless, useless and boring beyond belief.

People without an opinion on important matters just don't add value to other people's lives.Specially my life.

But even people without an opinion have something I respect.They are CONSISTENT. All the time you will find that empty look in their eyes, mirroring their brains. We will not ask for their opinion and we´ll feel glad we     didn´t. And so will they. Consistently dumb. Consistently stupid. But no surprises there. That's a good thing.

The most dangerous kind of people are what I call the "weather vane" people. They always have an opinion, it is never the same, it is always borrowed from someone else and always consistent with their best interest at the time they vomit it in front of a group.

"Weather vane" people move according to what people near them say, to what their new boss says, to what TV says. They live as a parasit of other people's functioning brains. They can go from black to white in a second, as long as this movement will save their sorry asses from danger, from looking stupid (they do, anyway), from losing their strangely and very questioned "earned" position. They will bite you, hard, if you aren't wise enough to detect them.

I prefer the "lighthouse" kind of people. Those who have strong and well formed ideas and are willing to defend them. Yeah, I know what you are thinking: Aren't the permanently unopinioned some kind of "lighthouse" people?. Mmm...Maybe. But a very useless lighthouse I may say. Perhaps a lighthouse on an eternally lit planet or island. Totally pointless.

The "lighthouse" people I refer to, are those who will always be trusted because they are coherent, strong and intelligent. Wise opinioned and witty are words that may be frequently used to describe them. Great Coaches. Outstanding Leaders. Brave characters. A lighthouse will always show the right way, even when the worst storms and the fierce waves of stupidity smash ruthlessly against them. At the end, the waves will settle, but the light will remain strong and standing.

Lighthouses will always defeat the weather vanes. It is a natural law. Going round and round will end up in wearout. Standing strong will always end up in greatness.

So please, cut the bullshit. Be a lighthouse and take some heat. ¿Aren't you alive?...Stand strong!


HEY!!...do you love to write but still haven´t opened your blog page?...Do you already have a blog and feel ready to share your content with other audiences?..:do you want to rant and just haven´t found where to do it freely?. Do you just want to BLOG AND ROLL???

Wait no more and show the world what you've got!!: Welcome to Guest Blogger month on RANT-A-TOUILLE!!!

Starting february, I will have a special guest Blogger section. I will receive your ideas and pick the best ones for posting them here on Rant-a-Touille. If you want to share your cnotent, this is the place to be!!.

Send your articles to aurelianogarcia@prodigy.net.mx along with a short Bio and a picture so the world knows who the heck you are!. Hey, what do you have to lose??...This is a great chance to let your ideas be shared with the rest of the world.

Topic is free for you to choose from, I am basically looking for creativity, good ideas and interesting writing skills. One page maximum and you are all set!

So, are you ready to take the challenge??...Be my Guest Blogger and let's spread ideas shamelessly!

Rant-a-Touille is ready for you!...Are you ready for it?

Read you soon!!


6:00 A.M. I'm on a taxi headed for the airport. Long day in front of me and yet, I am feeling quite well and energetic. Suddenly, I see a bunch of young ladies and gentlemen in the bus stop, waiting for the College Bus that goes by every day and pick students up to take'em to school.

It was a quick and dramatic flashback. Here I was, after almost 12 years since I graduated from College, inmersed in the corporate world, living the dream and pushing for more, and  there they were: maybe kind of woozy because of the early wake up, but all of them chasing the dream of being "somebody".

I started humming automatically the famous song by Rod Stewart "Young Turks", and I recalled part of the lirics that went like this:

"Young hearts be free tonight. Time is on your side,

Don't let them put you down, don't let 'em push you around,

don't let 'em ever change your point of view"

So I tought: what would be the 5 pieces of advice I would give these young fellows, before they take a cold, deep dip into the world of business?. I think it's an easy one. And definately, you will see that my position relates a lot to the spirit of Rod's song:

1) Aim High and work your ass off to get what you want. Exceed in efforts to do stuff differently and  always be spotless and transparent on your job.

2) Build character and always be strong, blunt and fair to others.

3) Never compromise your ideas and dreams. Don't let the big bad bullies intimidate you. A courageous heart will always find his path to success.

4) Find your Talent. Be passionate about what you do. Don't spend life doing something you don't like. It's a slow suicide.

5) Take risks and accept challenges. Cowards never get too far.

Wow, will I ever go back to college?....it's time to think about it seriously and give a shot to school again. I want to live like a young turk for the rest of my life.


WOW! creating a blog is like having a new son (not that I have any yet, but I've seen in the discovery health channel that the procedure is very painful). But after a lot of time thinking about the idea of opening an english based "Rant Camp", I finally decided to go for it and hope you guys like the stuff I want to share with you.

I started blogging about a year and a half ago with my first incursion on the web called Aureliano Garcia: Notas para el corcho (Notes to pin on the cork) and finding that sometimes my brain just works better thinking in english ( at least i think it works, I guess) today I launch this new blog called RANT-A-TOUILLE.


1) Because it is intended to become a collection of RANTS (Rant =to speak or declaim extravagantly or violently; talk in a wild or vehement way; rave) ,ideas, opinions and questionings that at the end, will look like the famous french dish: an amalgam of color, flavor and a great aftertaste.

2) It is also inspired on the famous movie "Ratatouille", because I like to think of myself as somebody that can do things in a different way, despite what some people may think. The little funny rat on the movie had something that inspires me: a heart to make things happens, even if they seem imposible or absurd.

3) Because I always have an opinion to share and I love to RANT!. In fact, one of my favorite comediants is Dennis Miller, and he has a bunch of books filled with his very famous rants from "The Dennis Miller" show, aired a few years ago on HBO. So, I think it is just fair to let the rants continue and if it involves lots of people participating, that's even better.

This is the first post on RANT-A TOUILLE. I hope that, if it doesn't change the world, at least it will give it a small pinch in the arm!.

Let's make a huge RANT A TOUILLE....one rant at a time.