People without an opinion just pisses me off. I can´t spend a lot of time around a herd of sheep. It is pointless, useless and boring beyond belief.
People without an opinion on important matters just don't add value to other people's lives.Specially my life.
But even people without an opinion have something I respect.They are CONSISTENT. All the time you will find that empty look in their eyes, mirroring their brains. We will not ask for their opinion and we´ll feel glad we didn´t. And so will they. Consistently dumb. Consistently stupid. But no surprises there. That's a good thing.
The most dangerous kind of people are what I call the "weather vane" people. They always have an opinion, it is never the same, it is always borrowed from someone else and always consistent with their best interest at the time they vomit it in front of a group.
"Weather vane" people move according to what people near them say, to what their new boss says, to what TV says. They live as a parasit of other people's functioning brains. They can go from black to white in a second, as long as this movement will save their sorry asses from danger, from looking stupid (they do, anyway), from losing their strangely and very questioned "earned" position. They will bite you, hard, if you aren't wise enough to detect them.
I prefer the "lighthouse" kind of people. Those who have strong and well formed ideas and are willing to defend them. Yeah, I know what you are thinking: Aren't the permanently unopinioned some kind of "lighthouse" people?. Mmm...Maybe. But a very useless lighthouse I may say. Perhaps a lighthouse on an eternally lit planet or island. Totally pointless.
The "lighthouse" people I refer to, are those who will always be trusted because they are coherent, strong and intelligent. Wise opinioned and witty are words that may be frequently used to describe them. Great Coaches. Outstanding Leaders. Brave characters. A lighthouse will always show the right way, even when the worst storms and the fierce waves of stupidity smash ruthlessly against them. At the end, the waves will settle, but the light will remain strong and standing.
Lighthouses will always defeat the weather vanes. It is a natural law. Going round and round will end up in wearout. Standing strong will always end up in greatness.
So please, cut the bullshit. Be a lighthouse and take some heat. ¿Aren't you alive?...Stand strong!
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